Donating to Local Causes

LOCALE is dedicated to creating purpose in our work. We will donate to a Locale cause that will help the community and people within on a yearly basis.

10% of all gross commissions earned in the calendar year over $100,000 gross commission will be donated to a Locale cause. Our goals and progress are tracked on the Locale Impact page so please check back regularly to see what we are up to. Every year the goal is $50,000 in donations. Every listing, every deal that we complete will go towards this giving program. Always looking for matching donations!

$50,000 Goal

Check back regularly to see our impact!

The Locale Causes

Daily Bread

Founded in 1983 Daily Bread is one of Canada’s largest food banks and is Charity Intelligence Canadian and Image Canada accredited. Providing food to families in need across the City of Toronto.

East York Community Centre

Community Centres are of such importance to the healthy social fabric of our major cities. Im a member of EYCC and know there is always need for renovations and upkeep in these facilities. As funding for these facilities becomes harder to obtain it will be the community that can help. Locale is looking to donate towards new basketball nets and backboards as well as a new gym floor.